Large corporations and companies struggle with various problems. Managing business processes is not that simple. Enterprises often spend multi-million dollar budgets on management applications supporting their business lines (ERP, supply chain, HR, sales planning). The necessary programs must have a business intelligence layer (BI, Business Intelligence) or analytical tools that aggregate and organize business data into elegant dashboards and reports. Despite the nice "case", the reality is not so beautiful - very often managers and supervisors have to manually collect the necessary answers and data. So automation doesn't work. Anaplan is a company that offers hassle-free applications where such errors do not occur. They bring order to the company and facilitate strategy and operations. Incube CPM especially recommends the Connected Planning Platform tool.
Connected Planning Platform (from Anaplan) is a market-leading cloud-based application for entrepreneurs. It brings spectacular results - with its presence, companies from various industries change the way they perceive and plan business, and drive business efficiency. The tool is based on Polaris Calculation™ and Hyperblock® technologies.
The platform allows you to model what-if scenarios, add real-time performance context, and forecast future results to make faster and more confident decisions.